Modern Workplace Modern Apps: 5-Day Implementation

Objektkultur Software GmbH

Easy process digitisation using standardised apps

Digitisation entails great challenges for companies. In addition to technological issues, challenges regarding processes and structures frequently occur. With the introduction of the Modern Workplace, companies want to offer flexibility to their employees and enable efficient working. Whether employees are working mobile on the road or networking online with team colleagues: a suitable technological setting is essential to facilitate a modern working environment. Objektkultur provides standardised apps that can be delivered directly. With the help of technologies such as Power Apps and Power Automate, the apps can be adapted individually according to the customer’s requirements (e.g. for holidays, business trips) and the processes can be digitised. Vacation requests or business trips can be entered flexibly and conveniently via our apps OKUrlaubsantrag and OKReiseantrag. Lengthy approval procedures are no longer necessary, the entire process is accelerated and made as efficient as possible.
The consulting service offered here includes both the consulting merit as well as the implementation and is estimated at about € 5,000. This figure may vary, depending on the travel to the customer and the scope of the project. During the consulting phase, we will address the issues mentioned above to construct an individual strategy customized to your wishes and needs, that will be implemented accordingly.

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