User Adoption plan: 10d Assessment


Proximus User Adoption Consultancy for Microsoft Modern Workplace

Are your employees on board?

The efforts invested in your Microsoft Modern Workplace solution will amount to little if your employees don't fully embrace it.

Employees should be able to understand why the Modern Workplace solution is being rolled out and be able to learn and practice working with it before they can properly apply it.

Proximus offers User Adoption services in 2 flavors: Consultancy and Service.

In this User Adoption Consultancy track Proximus assists the customer in defining a user adoption plan. The standard user adoption consultancy track takes 10 days during which meetings and workshops take place.

During this track our experienced consultants perform a detailed analysis in 3 points:

  • Mapping the current situation
  • Defining measurable objectives
  • Estimating expected resistance

As deliverable, we provide an action plan:

  • Drawing up an action plan in measurable steps
  • Based on specific user profiles
  • Defining an efficient 360° communication strategy

On top of this 10d Consultancy trackthe ‘Service’ flavor (optional, not part of the standard package), Proximus will, in collaboration with its counterpart at the customer, ensure the plan is executed, the adoption rate is measured and the plan is adapted when necessary.

Price is indicative. Exact duration and scope may vary.

At a glance