AI Builder in a Day: a 1 Day Workshop

Rubicon B.V.

Experience the superiority of the Power Platform and AI Builder models as well as achieving detailed insights from your organizations data, through this hands-on workshop

The AI Builder in a Day workshop is designed by Rubicon to demonstrate and accelerate your knowledge and journey into the world of AI models. The Microsoft Power Platform offers AI Builder, which consists of pre-built AI models such as prediction, form processing, object detection, category classification, sentiment analysis and entity extraction. These AI models can be leveraged from various services such as Power Apps and Power Automate. Next to that, it allows your organization to get detailed insights from your organizations data, which enables data-driven-decisions.

Get hands-on experience with the Power Platform and AI Builder in one single day. Experience the AI automation possibilities and power of low-code-development. Increase efficiency throughout your organization by the extensive range of available prebuilt and custom AI models. Proven best practices, demonstrated in our workshop, give you the best possible start.

By attending this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Understand the strengths and abilities of AI Builder pre-built and custom models
  • Differentiate between used terminology
  • Know how to use AI models in Power Apps
  • Know how to use AI models in Power Automate
  • Automate (time consuming) tasks
  • Understand the possibilities of custom AI models
  • Leverage insights from your organizations data

The final agenda will be customized with you, for example allowing more focus on specific AI models and/or components that best fit your organizations requirements.

At a glance