Power BI coaching: 16 weeks duration - 4h per week


Unlock the full potential of Power BI with ongoing expert coaching to jumpstart your Power BI journey and ensure seamless adoption.

The goal of the offer is to coach key Power BI users in the company to full understand the tool. This is ideal for companies that start with Power BI as reporting tool or are using Power BI and want to improve the adoption. The goal is to ensure that the people have the full skill set needed to make the most of Power BI (soft & technical)

Approach Intake: We begin by understanding your specific needs, goals, and existing data infrastructure. We identify pain points, required skill level, and opportunities for improvement.

Plan: Identify the knowlegde gap of the key users using our Sparkle skill matrix

Coaching: Coaching covers several area’s depending on the current need of the key users: -Group Sessions: Our expert coaches deliver structured group sessions, covering Power BI fundamentals, report development, data modeling, and visualization best practices. We focus on hands-on learning and provide practical exercises to reinforce concepts. -Hands-on Assistance: We offer dedicated support, helping your team apply their newly acquired knowledge to real-world scenarios. Our coaches provide guidance, review work, and address challenges, ensuring a smooth transition to Power BI. -Troubleshooting: As you encounter hurdles or roadblocks, our coaches are readily available to troubleshoot issues, offer solutions, and share best practices. We provide timely assistance to overcome any obstacles and keep your progress on track. -Continuous Improvement: We promote an iterative approach, encouraging regular feedback and refinement. Our coaches assist in analyzing reports and dashboards, identifying areas for enhancement, refine Power BI governance practices and guiding you towards more impactful insights. -Advanced Topics: Once the fundamentals are established, we delve into advanced Power BI features and techniques, such as DAX calculations, data integration, and performance optimization. This ensures your team gains mastery and can leverage the full capabilities of Power BI. -Ongoing Support: Even after the initial coaching engagement, we remain available for ongoing support, periodic check-ins, and assistance with complex projects. We help you stay updated with the latest Power BI advancements and continually enhance your data analytics capabilities.

At a glance