Power Apps MVP: 4-Wk Implementation

Stellium SA

Analysis & Implementation of a PowerApps Most Viable Product

The Power Platform, an inclusive Microsoft application platform as a service, can be a real business booster. With experience of a multiple successful PowerApps implementations, Stellium is a trusted Microsoft partner to help you take your business performance to the next level.

Stellium’s strong experience & expertise with business transformation allowed to develop a custom methodology which makes PowerApps implementation in an organization successful and provides tangible benefits for the customers. Our certified experts use their competence in Microsoft Power Platform and Azure services to make the transition fast and seamless for your business.

To define and implement an MVP with PowerApps that support the execution of a specific business process, we propose a step-by-step methodology from the MVP definition to its build and roll-out. The approach is to execute different project phases that will help you capture key requirements, define solution acceptance criteria, build the product and roll it out to production.

The key deliverable is a PowerApps MVP that enables your business to modernize an existing solution or digitalize an existing process using PowerApps. The MVP aims to enable you to manage its evolution and add additional features autonomously thanks to the framework used during the project execution.

With the following service, we offer end-to-end 4-week Power Apps implementation for the business function of your choice. Projects of this kind are usually divided into 5 stages (which can, however, be adjusted after initial analysis of a client's requirements):

  • Definition of the business process (W1, 1 day)
  • Definition of the MVP (W1, 1 day)
  • Development of the solution (W1 + W2 + W3, 10 days)
  • Validation of the solution (W3, 2 days)
  • Roll-out of the solution with a handover to BAU teams (W4, 1 day)

These estimations are based on our experience in delivering solutions with medium complexity (simple business rules, limited data integration, no migration)

At a glance