UMB_Heatmap 365


With UMB_Heatmap 365 - our Microsoft 365 News Service - you will no longer miss any important news and save time.

Microsoft announces around 900 Microsoft 365 changes every year: Can you handle it? Do you know which changes are relevant to you? Microsoft 365 admins who track the changes seriously invest up to 40 hours every month. Does it really have to be that way?

With UMB_Heatmap 365, you will no longer miss any important news and save time. We check all announcements for you, categorize them according to urgency and provide you with recommendations in a comprehensible form. Entrust the work to us and focus on what is really important: your core business.

UMB_Heatmap 365: Your benefits at a glance

  • Monthly, compact webinar with Microsoft 365 experts incl. Q&A
  • On-demand access for missed or past webinars
  • On-demand access to PDF presentation incl. assessment, recommendations and further links
  • Unlimited number of participants per registered company
  • Also available as a private meeting in the desired language (DE/EN) and individual date as part of the Premium subscription

At a glance