Viva Topics Governance 4-wk Implementation


Wortell helps organisations implement Microsoft VIVA Topics the right way by making use of a standardised approach

Your employee is your number one asset! By giving your employees the right knowledge at the right time, they are able to make faster and better decisions, which benefits the organization. This makes your organization more viable. Wortell helps you as an organization with this by turning content into actionable knowledge within the context of their work!

In the current hybrid working environment, it is difficult for employees to quickly find the necessary knowledge. What is meant by a particular topic or term? Who is the expert in that field? Where can I find the latest information on that subject without having to search within the organization and use all kinds of different tools?

Here is where Microsoft Viva Topics comes into play. Topics focuses on knowledge and expertise. Topics applies AI to identify knowledge and experts and organize them into shared topics. AI automatically creates a topic page for each topic. It’s like Wikipedia for the enterprise where AI does the first draft. These topic pages are surfaced as Topic Cards right in the flow of work in Microsoft Office365, SharePoint Online pages and Microsoft Teams.

What is Microsoft Viva Topics Kickstart?
Wortell helps organisations implement Microsoft Viva Topics the right way by making use of a standardised approach. By using a simple 5 step approach Wortell helps you setup technical- and organisational rules and guidelines for Microsoft Viva Topics. Wortell will also help you implement the technical governance rules and activate Microsoft Viva Topics and finally we will help you create a roadmap for the next steps.

In a glance we offer:
• An optimal Microsoft Viva Topics (trial) setup based on our experience and specific sector knowledge
• Implement your rules and guidelines for the usage of Microsoft Viva Topics
• Ensure that Microsoft VivaTopics is able to find, extract and present knowledge across Microsoft 365 and beyond
• Optimize the Topics governance based on new developments and changes from Microsoft and your organization

Step 1: Workshop Microsoft Viva Topics
Step 2: Workshop Knowledge Governance
Step 3: Scenario's & Roadmap 
Step 4: Activation of Microsoft Viva Topics and Governance implementation
Step 5: Results and next steps

At a glance