Defend against threats with SIEM + XDR Expert-as-a-service 1 y, Mgd svc


Xylos can offer you Expert as a service: an advisory and hands on role that helps you maintain and improve your Threat Protection environment based on Microsoft 365 technology.

You have invested time in creating a Secure environment, based on your current business needs, IT priorities and technical dependencies, using Microsoft 365.

It's challenging to keep your Security up to date : within the Microsoft 365 product, new features become available & new security threats continuously occur. Every specific domain requires the periodic knowledge and experience of a subject matter expert.

Xylos can offer you Expert as a (managed) service: an advisory and hands on role that helps you maintain and improve your Threat Protection environment based on Microsoft 365.

Our (Threat Protection) Subject Matter Expert will help you to identify the new requirements and changes that occur within the Security domain. Where needed, he can count on partners and a team of Solution Architects to align changes into the bigger picture.

As an Expert he will share his broad experience from other customers and projects, while continuously challenging existing certainties and opening minds towards new technical possibilities and opportunities.

This is a managed service.

  • Microsoft 365 Defender
  • Microsoft 365 Security features
  • Implementation plan
  • Best Practices
  • Continuous improvement of Microsoft 365 technology stack within your organization

At a glance