BESTIE for Viva Topics: Managed Service


Sustain Employee Readiness by bringing knowledge and information into the flow of work with Viva Topics

Get started on driving employee readiness through YEAPS BEST for Microsoft Viva Topics Lexicon; A lexicon seamlessly integrated in apps, readily available every day. Give employees a space to quickly find knowledge and resources of the organization.

After configuring the lexicon, take the next step to sustain it.

YEAPS BESTIE for Microsoft Viva Topics Lexicon gives the organization a regular refresh and management on the topic cards while the organization’s resources usage are kept at a minimum. With us providing manpower resources, process management, technology resources, the organization continuously benefits of topics while still focusing no matters prioritized by the company.

Start with our YEAPS BEST to create the dashboards then move forward and sustain it with our YEAPS BESTIE for managed services


  1. PLAN (Aligning with Stakeholders)
  2. DEVELOP (Framework & Architecture)
  3. BUILD (Build & Test Topics Cards)
  4. TRAIN (Process Management Team Readiness)
  5. LAUNCH (Employee Announcement & Deployment) YEAPS BESTIE SUSTAIN (Managed Services) – We will provide manpower services, process management, and technology resources to sustain rationalization and management of topic contents. To maintain this, we will provide information management, continuous content refresh, and strategic principles and techniques implementation, among others.

Additional Services avaialble based on the needs and readiness:

• End-to-end Viva Topics Lexicon Management o Design and implement adoption for improved employee experience o Continuous topic curation and management o Strategic principles and techniques implementation

• Add-on services, e.g.: • License for Microsoft Viva Topics This solution is a managed service on a contract of 1-3 years. May change based on scope.

T&Cs and pricing are custom to each engagement.

At a glance