Advanced Item Planning

by Fenwick

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Streamlines planning functions and processes

Advanced Item Planning streamlines your planning functions and processes in the requisition and planning worksheet. This app gives you more control and organisation on how created purchase orders are grouped and linked, improving planning efficiency.

Bulk Select / Un-select Accept Action Message

Accept or reject multiple selected action messages in the worksheet lines simultaneously.

Create Purchase Order per Expected Receipt Date

Splits the purchase orders created from the worksheet according to their expected receipt date.

Improved Blanket Order Lookup

Planning suggestions will automatically link the released blanket purchase order to worksheet lines. Manually look up and select released blanket purchase orders related to the item on the worksheet lines. Improves blanket order lookup on sales orders and purchase orders by restricting it to released blanket orders.

Improved Planning and Requisition Worksheet Sheet Fields and Fact Boxes

Standardised the FactBoxes and fields across the planning and requisition worksheets.

What's new?

Check out the release notes for Advanced Item Planning //Link later

What is Fenwick Gold?

Fenwick Gold is a suite of apps that extend base functionality in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Previously built for Dynamics NAV, we now provide this expertise via AppSource.

About Fenwick

Fenwick is a Dynamics 365 Business Central consultancy based in Melbourne, Australia. We have over 40 years' experience in the system implementation space.

Learn more about Fenwick Software:

Supported Editions

This app supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Countries

All countries where Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is available.

Supported Languages


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