Turkish Localization

by Intelligent Systems

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Localization for Turkey

The Turkish localization for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central provides a package of functionalities that help local companies run their business seamlessly according to the regulations in Turkey. The application includes the following features:

  • VAT Calculation and Reporting  
  • Financial Closing Activities and Legal Printouts  
  • Reversal Entries 
  • Exchange Notes  
  • Exchange Rate Management
  • Reporting  
  • e-Modules

Benefits of using this extension:

  • Minimize the rework and users mistakes by providing detailed configuration for each business process.
  • Helps you meet local requirements and save time with ready-to-use documents. 
  • Full translation in Turkish helps employees to get familiar with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central faster. 

  • Developed by a Gold Microsoft Partner, with knowledge and experience with the specifics of local legislation.

For more information about the Turkish localization, see our brochure or get in touch with us:

Supported Languages:  This app is available in English (United States) and Turkish (Turkey).

Supported countries:  All available countries, except Belgium and the Netherlands.

Supported Editions:  Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

At a glance