pryme Time

by pryme

Intelligent time tracking for projects

Why do you keep on missing billable time? And, what’s more, why do you spend so long to enter time?

No matter how many work assignments you work on daily, some short, billable tasks fall through the cracks when you do your timesheet at the last minute.
The longer the gap is between when work is done and when time is captured, the worst. Having a long gap can make it difficult for employees to accurately remember and record the details of their work.
Our 30-year experience in the professional services industry has shown us that most employees will wait to submit their timesheet until the deadline is very close. Around 30% do it even the very last day. How are you supposed to remember what you did last week?

All this can lead to incomplete or inaccurate time entries, which can negatively impact the business's profitability.

Enhance and simplify your time entry and resource forecast capabilities with pryme Time, the intelligent time tracking solution!

Specially designed for project-centric businesses like yours.

      • Make use of start/stop timers to easily track all time in a click. Even minute wise intervals. Avoid billable tasks getting forgotten.
      • Visualise and edit your tracked time in the time tracking calendar. Easily identify which entries belong together based on their colour.
      • View your Outlook appointments inside Business Central alongside your tracked time entries.
      • Import time entries from your Outlook Calendar to Microsoft Business Central.
      • Convert the tracked time into timesheets ready to submit, and spare time.
      • Auto-create time entries based on work assignments to accurately track the amount of time spent on each task and project.
      • Get notified by email to review and submit timesheets and prevent billable tasks from falling through the cracks. No more procrastinator chasing! 
      • Include value-adding texts to your invoices by making use of pre-defined descriptions to specify the work performed. 
      • Analyse how time is spent to improve performance and profitability.
      • Spot time entry patterns and ensure work is logged when performed.

Feature highlights

From the personal productivity perspective:

      • Stopwatch timers: Track your daily work fast and easy. Get it directly into your timesheet.
      • User-friendly drag and drop functionality on the time tracked calendar: intuitive calendar format for enhanced productivity.
      • Outlook integration: visualise appointments inside Business Central. Convert appointments into time entries.
      • Simple creation of time entries: from work assignments, through timesheet briefing emails, from tracked time entries, etc.
From the resource or business management perspective:

      • Resource time analysis: Analysis views allowing you to drill into how time is spent.​
      • Resource forecast: Predict the revenue of your labour resources over a specific period of time (day/week/month).
      • Time entry pattern report: Ensure work is logged when performed aiming for same-day time entries.
      • Unsubmitted timesheets notification: Prompt your team members to complete thimesheet submission.

Supported editions

The app supports the Essentials and Premium Editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported countries

Great Britain, Ireland, Sweden, Spain, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, Finland, Switzerland, Norway, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore

Supported languages

English, Swedish, Spanish

Built on (Progressus) Advanced Projects.


At a glance