Leadfeeder by Dealfront for MS Dynamics 365

by Leadfeeder

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Web Visitors Identification Solution for MS Dynamics 365

Leadfeeder by Dealfront helps you reveal the companies that are visiting your website.

This integration provides detailed information about the website visits by the companies in your Dynamics 365 CRM, discovering the pages they visit, the content they interact with, so that you can personalize your sales pitch and easily convert them. Be fully informed about what your open opportunities are looking for. Keep track of lost opportunities and know when they return to your website, allowing you to re-engage and close the deal.

  • Send accounts, leads, opportunities and activity details from the Dealfront Platform directly into MS Dynamics 365

  • Focus on the right leads instantly discovering buying intent from the accounts already in your CRM

Get Leadfeeder by Dealfront to enrich your Dynamics 365 with hot leads that are ready to convert.

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