Ask the Oracle

by CollaborationRx

(1 ratings)

A simple decision making tool for contemplation that gives random responses to your questions.

This app may be installed on an Office 365 “For Business” site or any SharePoint installation that is running SharePoint 2013 with Access Services turned on.

The Ask the Oracle app allows you to ask a question and get back a response so that you can contemplate whatever decision is on the table from different perspectives. It is designed to be both useful and fun.

Here are some of the main advantages:

  • Get perspective on a decision
  • Empower your decisions
  • Fun for the users
  • Unlimited use license

It comes as an unlimited use license and can be used for both personal and business purposes. Appropriate for any environment or audience.

You can also request a customized version of the app if you are interested.

At a glance