MeetingRoomMap for Teams

by TNS Consulting ApS

Team Bot showing floor-plan of meeting rooms and office locations of your co-workers.

This is a Teams companion app for the Outlook add-in "MeetingRoomMap".

MeetingRoomMap is an Outlook task pane add-in for meetings. It shows an overview map image/floor-plan with indication of the current meeting room.

In this Teams app, employees can interact with a Bot and find the location of their upcoming meetings, co-workers and meetings rooms.


  • View a floorplan image of the company meeting room of your next Outlook meetings
  • Search a co-worker by name, initials or email and get an image indicating the office location of this person
  • Search for a meeting room by name and get an floorplan image indicating the location of this room
  • Access the admin web site to upload floorplan images and map rooms and persons to these images

Use the admin website to upload floorplans for the company buildings and easily map meeting rooms and office locations to these images with simple point and click.

Upload multiple map images/floor-plans. This could be for different locations/offices, by floors or by dividing large buildings into smaller section maps.

Through the Microsoft Graph API all the organizations meeting rooms are listed and can easily be mapped to the uploaded floorplans indicating their precise location.

This Teams companion app requires having added the MeetingRoomMap Outlook add-in and having a tenant administrator granting admin consent to this app. Go to and enroll before the first user logging in with Teams bot.

In Azure AD the tenant administrator can assign the "MeetingMapEditor" role to users. Editors will be able to delete maps and room locations. To add users to the "MeetingRoomEditor" you need to be a tenant administrator and go to the Azure portal -> Azure Active Directory -> Enterprise Applications -> All applications

From here select "MeetingRoomMap" -> Users and Groups -> Add user (make sure to select role "MeetingRoomEditor").

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can send data over the Internet
  • This app can access personal information on the active message, such as phone numbers, postal addresses, or URLs. The app may send this data to a third-party service. Other items in your mailbox can’t be read or modified.

At a glance