Konsolute Onboard

by Konsolute Ltd

Onboard on your new hire the right way by uniquely tailoring their onboarding!

Onboard is a revolutionary new hire onboarding platform built for organisations consuming Microsoft 365. Onboard allows you to define your organisation’s onboarding experience and further refine this by allowing hiring managers and departments to create specific onboarding experiences. Onboard's easy, intuitive and highly configurable interface allows new hires to go through your organisation’s introductory videos, policies and procedures, links, recommended communities (Microsoft Teams, Yammer and SharePoint) based upon your skills and interests.

  • Welcome Onboard - Onboard enables you to customise your onboarding experience by tailoring your processes around your new hire. Ensure that your new hire understand your corporation's vision and you and your new hire remain compliant by adhering to regulatory requirements by completing mandatory training and compliance videos, links and documents.
  • Discover your organisation - Onboard mitigates these woes by enabling you, as an organisation, to introduce your new hire to the relevant people and communities (Yammer, SharePoint and Microsoft Teams). Hiring departments, can further suggest communities that new hire should join. Hiring managers can refine this by suggesting their own communities. Onboard intelligently recommends and suggest communities based your profile information such as role, skills, interests and their location.
  • Built for your Microsoft 365 - Onboard is built from the ground up specifically for the Microsoft 365 platform. It leverages features such as SharePoint, Yammer, Microsoft Teams and Delve to provide your organisation and new hires with a seamless integrated experience.
  • Unified onboarding experience - You're hiring managers are most likely going to have a better understand of your new hire's role. Onboard enables your hiring managers to further enhance the your new hire onboarding experience by tailoring it to the role they'll be performing. Utilise your hiring managers knowledge and expertise to suggest, recommend and introduce your new hire to the organisation.
  • Intelligent Recommendation & Suggestion of Communities - An organisation with a thriving community can consist of thousands of communities created within Yammer, SharePoint and Microsoft Teams. Discovering these communities can either be by pot luck or through the knowledge of your colleagues. Onboard enables your organisation, hiring business unit/department as well as the hiring manager to recommend and suggest communities. Onboard also uses your information within Delve such as your skills and interests to further enhance the recommended communities. Onboard currently supports Microsoft Teams, Yammer and SharePoint sites.

This application requires Azure Active Directory admin permissions initially, so that we can install and setup the necessary components on your tenancy.

At a glance