
by HelloTrusty

Trusty turns referrals into an easy, 100% automated & fully integrated process.

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Trusty turns referrals into an easy, 100% automated, and fully integrated process.


Trusty’s solution makes referrals easy at your company, allowing any member of your organization to refer talents from their network or to share personal referral links to boost your employer brand and communicate your open positions.


By automating many daily tasks such as new position announcements, hot jobs of the week, referral campaigns, custom challenges, new hires, referral leaderboards, Trusty helps your recruiting team focus on what matters most and save precious time. Gamification and frequent communications also ensure to create a referral culture and reflex at your company, making referrals a key part of your hiring mix.


Part of what makes Trusty so special is to be integration-friendly by design. On the users’ side, they can all enjoy their web interface, but also use Trustybot in Microsoft Teams, for example, allowing them to make their referrals without ever leaving their work environment. On the recruiters’ side, Trusty is fully integrated with your Applicant Tracking System, such as Lever, Greenhouse, Workable, Smartrecruiters, Recruitee,... making referrals a seamless experience for all, with automatic tracking and notifications every time a referral evolves in the recruiting process.

[There’s more]

Alongside Trusty’s core features, we’ve developed an ecosystem of add-ons to help companies and organizations make the best of their networks:

For those who value internal mobilities and make it a key part of their talent management, Trusty can help you streamline and automate your processes.

For companies who value their employer brand, we’ve created a MagicLink to transform all your team members into brand ambassadors.

For those who value their candidate pipeline, we’ve built a matching solution to help your employees identify in their LinkedIn networks relevant talents to refer.

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Thanks for being awesome

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can send data over the Internet
  • This app can access personal information on the active message, such as phone numbers, postal addresses, or URLs. The app may send this data to a third-party service. Other items in your mailbox can’t be read or modified.

At a glance