Easy Tagging

by DIQA Projektmanagement GmbH

Artificial Intelligence learns to tag document libraries and to dispatch emails from shared inboxes.

This extension for SharePoint online analyses and forwards emails in shared mailboxes, e.g. customer requests.

Your customers submit requests to a central Office 365 mailbox, like, where they are picked up manually. The Easy Tagging App fully automates this process: after a short teach-in phase, it analyses the incoming emails and decides to which email address to forward them. This saves your team a lot of time and reduces the processing time of incoming emails.

Automatically provides document libraries with searchable tags.

Tags are a pre-requisite to automatically route documents to their destination library, and to find them quicker. The App supports you in finding meaningfull tags for documents that are stored in SharePoint. It connects to an online service (IDAS Service, provided by DIQA) which analyses the documents for aspects like document language, important tags, or user created tags.

Install the Easy Tagging Add-in right now and evaluate it for free (no registration with DIQA required).

If you have finished the evaluation of the Easy Tagging Add-in then you can book DIQA's IDAS Service, which is a online service that requires a monthly fee.

Please find more information about the features and service fees on our site:

(Note for SharePoint online: the Add-in supports the classic UI experience only.)

At a glance