Infinitera Database Explorer

by Infinitera Inc.

(5 ratings)

Build no-code Database Applications for Microsoft Teams using Microsoft Azure SQL Database.

Tired of using a spreadsheet to do a database’s job?

A spreadsheet is an easy way to share data with your team – but it’s not a database. And that creates headaches when you push spreadsheets too far: they don’t scale well, they’re not very secure, and they can quickly fill up with bad data.

You can avoid those headaches, while keeping the ease of use, with Infinitera Database Explorer.

Easily build powerful, scalable & secure database applications for Microsoft Azure SQL Database.

Infinitera puts the power to create robust database applications in your hands – replacing prohibitive development costs and long lead times with the user-friendly, done-before-you-know-it toolset of Infinitera Database Explorer.

  • No coding required
  • Easily customize databases for your exact business needs
  • Minimize the risk of sensitive data ending up in the wrong place, or in the wrong hands
  • Integrate seamlessly with Microsoft Teams using a Microsoft 365 sign-in
  • Works with your Microsoft Azure SQL Database, allowing you to connect and share your data through Excel, Power BI and Power Apps

With features like lookups, sub-tabs, and sub-forms, Infinitera Database Explorer lets you move beyond the limitations of a single table. So you can stop using spreadsheets as a poor substitute for a database.

It’s time you had a tool that was up to the task. Try it for free in our Sandbox where you can bring your ideas to life with our AI-powered database application generator:

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can send data over the Internet
  • This app can access personal information on the active message, such as phone numbers, postal addresses, or URLs. The app may send this data to a third-party service. Other items in your mailbox can’t be read or modified.

At a glance