smartQED Bot

by smartQED Inc.

Streamline and speed up incident and problem investigations with AI-powered visual fishbone maps.

With the smartQED Bot, a visual collaboration for structured and efficient incident and problem resolution is now available to Microsoft Teams users!

What is smartQED?

smartQED is a visual workspace to help operations & support teams solve incidents and problems faster, with integrated recommendations and insights from prior issues.

Get clear visibility into complex investigations, track status efficiently, get cause and solution suggestions from our AI-based recommendation engine(Problem matching), and generate reports in real time with a single click!

Benefits of smartQED

smartQED speeds up your incident and problem resolution times significantly and increases the productivity of your teams. Here’s how it works:

Methodical Cause Analysis: Use structured fishbone-based Investigation Maps to visualize and explore in depth the potential causes of a problem. Our layered visual approach scales easily to complex issues and large teams.

Efficient Collaboration: Entire teams can jointly analyze problems with data organized in context in a 360° view. Get your teams on the same page by easily tracking causes and their statuses, deadlines, and relevant findings.

Automated Real-time Reporting: Provide better visibility into the investigation progress with summary or detailed reports to managers, customers and other stakeholders. Manually generate reports with one click, or auto-email them on a periodic basis.

Artificial Intelligence: Powerful AI capability in smartQED analyzes historical data of solved problems to generate cause & solution recommendations for your new issues. These AI-powered insights reduce or eliminate tedious manual searches to slash training times of new staff.

Easy Knowledge Capture and Reuse: Create and reuse QED templates to standardize the analysis approach and jumpstart future investigations. The mix-and-match capability of QED templates enables you to perform more complex analysis easily.

smartQED's innovative visual solution applies to problem and incident investigations as well as root cause analysis in any domain including:

🗸 IT Operations & Site Reliability Engineering

🗸 DevOps

🗸 Service Providers

🗸 Financial Systems

🗸 Healthcare

🗸 Transportation

🗸 Automotive, Aerospace & more.

Turbocharge your problem resolution process with the combined power of smartQED and Microsoft Teams collaboration! Increase the quality and reliability of your products and services, boost your customer satisfaction, and obtain higher efficiency and team productivity.

smartQED Bot

Leverage the power of QED Investigation Maps without leaving your Microsoft Teams channel. Using easy-to-use buttons and commands, you can quickly build up the visual map of your issue while working in Microsoft Teams.

You can add causes to the investigation map, attach notes, clues, and actions, check the status, and even generate and download real-time summary and detailed Excel reports – all within a Teams channel!

Operations supported by the smartQED Bot

Invoke the smartQED Bot by typing "@smartQED" in "New conversation", or by using the Messaging Extension within Teams. You will get a menu of operations to set the context information (connect the channel to an application and problem in smartQED), and view and update the investigation map for that problem. You can add causes, clues (relevant symptoms), assignees, actions, due dates and other relevant information.For example:

@smartQED ➡️ Menu ➡️ Cause [UPDATE] ➡️ Add (adds a new cause)

@smartQED ➡️ Menu ➡️ Action [UPDATE] ➡️ Add ➡️ Add an action to a cause

click here to see the entire list of operations

In order to use this app, your organization needs to have an active account on smartQED,

click here to sign up for an account with 30-days free trial.

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can send data over the Internet
  • This app can access personal information on the active message, such as phone numbers, postal addresses, or URLs. The app may send this data to a third-party service. Other items in your mailbox can’t be read or modified.

At a glance