Animator by Squillion

by Squillion Technology Private Limited

Microsoft PBI Certified
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Elevate your reports with dynamic, engaging visuals that uncover insights and start conversations

Transform Your Data into Living Stories with Animator by Squillion! Animator by Squillion could be your gateway to a variety of themes, icons, and customizable features. With easy-to-use features, Animator by Squillion helps you create eye-catching visuals that uncover insights and start conversations. Whether you're presenting sales trends, marketing data, or operational metrics, Animator by Squillion adds an extra layer of depth to your analysis. Let your data tell its story like never before!

Animator by Squillion transforms your categorical data into lively stories by harnessing the robust data modeling and visualization capabilities of Microsoft Power BI. This integration empowers you to create compelling and actionable insights, maximizing the impact of your data presentations.

Key features:

  • Custom Icons: Choose from a variety of icons such as car, plane, boat, star, arrow, and more. Easily customize their size and rotation for added visual appeal. With the professional version, unlock the ability to add your own custom icons, allowing for endless possibilities.
  • Scenic Background: Select backgrounds that complement your icons and enhance the overall theme of your report. Adjust top and bottom buffers to ensure your icons fit perfectly within the chosen background. Professional version users can even use custom backgrounds with transparency for a unique visual experience.
  • Dynamic Animation: Add life to your visuals with captivating animations. Choose from six different animation directions, including left-right continuous, up-down continuous, and more. Set fixed durations to control the speed of animations for optimal storytelling.
  • Precision Data Visualization: Customize how your data points are displayed. Choose between random or value-based positioning to best represent your data. Professional version users can apply colors to data points for enhanced visual clarity and differentiation.
  • Personilzed Labeling: Personalize data labels to provide additional context and insights. Customize font styles, sizes, and colors to match your branding and theme.
  • Dynamic X & Y Axis: Tailor axis appearance to match the overall style of your report. Customize axis labels, text, and gridlines to ensure consistency and readability.
  • Tooltip Customization: Enhance user experience with customized tooltips that provide valuable information when hovering over data points. Customize tooltip appearance and content to suit your audience's needs.

Why choose Animator by Squillion?

  • Customization Flexibility: Dive into a wealth of themes, icons, and customization options to tailor your visualizations exactly to your liking. With a wide array of choices at your disposal, you can create visuals that truly reflect your unique style and branding.
  • Enhanced Data Presentation: Elevate your data visualizations with captivating animations and customizable features that engage your audience.
  • Empower Decision-Making: Drive action and prompt conversations about data with visually appealing and insightful reports.
  • Seamless Integration: With flexible customization options, Animator by Squillion seamlessly integrates into your reporting environment, allowing you to create cohesive and professional visuals.

Ready to add visual depth to your reports and stories?

Unlock the full potential of your data with Animator by Squillion—an innovative visualization tool that transforms your reports into compelling narratives. Elevate your reports, captivate your audience, and unlock new insights that drive success.

For more information about Squillion Technology Private Limited, visit our website.

Check out the feature video for detailed information about Animator by Squillion.

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Visual capabilities

This visual is certified by Power BI

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