公開資料整合服務(OpenData Analysis Service)
by 智域國際股份有限公司
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Use open data to analysis, provide useful information. 利用公開資料進行分析,提供有用資訊。
Analyze the open data of the Ministry of Education, cut through issues that schools would care about, such as enrollment, retirement, and available funds for schools. Use instinctive user interfaces and visual charts to compare data provided by each school. We develop this app for schools, in order to help them look into their own data and also learn about other similar schools.
分析教育部公開資料,從招生、休退到學校可用資金等學校會關心的議題切入,利用直覺式的操作介面及視覺化的圖表比較各個學校提供數據,提供給學校參考,熟悉本身學校以外,也能了解其他相似學校狀況。This application is available in Chinese.
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