by Scientific Infra and Private Assets Pte Ltd
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A platform to analyse private market dynamics and build private asset valuation applications.
With the Scientific Infra & Private Assets Excel add-in, you can integrate market data about private asset markets directly into your investment workflow.
This includes:
- Downloading privateMetrics® and infraMetrics® data created by Scientific Infra & Private Assets on private equity, private infrastructure, and infrastructure debt.
- Accessing private equity and private infrastructure market indices.
- Creating custom benchmarks by combining TICCS or PECCS segments.
- Building simple and complex private asset valuation applications using a wealth of metrics for infrastructure cash flows and discount rates, private company multiples, and much more.
- Creating various reports using infraMetrics® and privateMetrics® data that can be updated monthly or quarterly.
- Accessing carbon intensity and extreme climate risk data by segment and benchmark.
- Utilizing powerful functionalities for strategy, risk and performance benchmarking, asset valuation solutions or cross-validation, and climate risk benchmarking.
License is required to access the features. Contact us at for more information.
App capabilities
When this app is used, it
- Can read and make changes to your document
- Can send data over the Internet
At a glance