CampusLogic VirtualAdvisor

by CampusLogic

(3 ratings)

VirtualAdvisor AI chatbot responds in real-time to student inquiries about college funding options.

85% of college students receive some sort of financial aid or scholarship, but the processes to access that funding can be daunting. Students need guidance 24/7, but endless repetitive process questions make it difficult for staff to dedicate time to 1:1 advising for the highest-need students. Learners in higher ed are more diverse than ever – coming from multilingual families and often completing degrees online. Institutions need tools that drive student financial success for all populations. 41% of today’s students say they would have a better experience if they could interact more digitally with their institution – AI can connect institutions to every student, at any time, while empowering staff to use their time more meaningfully.  

With upwards of 30% of calls being reduced on average with chatbots, VirtualAdvisor transforms financial aid offices into hubs for personalized advising. VirtualAdvisor can authenticate users, weave data from multiple systems, and provide accurate, dynamic, multilingual answers to student questions. With text message capability and instant translation to 65 languages, students don't have to struggle with long waits or misunderstandings. When routine questions are handled by VirtualAdvisor, staff is able to do more 1:1 advising and ensure student financial success. Built in partnership with Microsoft, VirtualAdvisor is another innovative way that CampusLogic is bringing world-class technology to the world of financial aid. 

The solution is fully embedded within the Microsoft stack, leveraging Azure Blob storage, Microsoft's bot framework, and providing security via the Azure world-class security, encryption, and keyvault client encryption management. 

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