Enterprise Coexistence - MS 365 & Google Collaboration
Technical solutions that allow businesses to coexist as one during mergers and acquisitions.
It allow end-users to collaborate as if they’re on the same system; a great way to enhance communications between different platforms like Google Workspace (G Suite) and Microsoft 365 with no impact on day-to-day operations.
For example, a Google user can check the Free/Busy time of an Office 365 user using Google’s standard calendar interface. Similarly, an Office 365 user on one domain can check the free/busy time of an Office 365 or Google user on an entirely different domain.
When a Google user wants to know if another user on Office 365 is available, the user creates a meeting request and clicks on the Find a Time tab to see Free/Busy time. Likewise, from Office 365, the user will click on “Scheduling Assistant” to see the Free/Busy time.
- Google detects that the other user is not on Google Workspace, then sends the query to Cloudiway
- Cloudiway finds the connector and queries Office 365
- Office 365 looks up the Free/Busy Calendar info of the user requested from Google
- Office 365 received back Free/Busy details
- Office 365 sends the Free/Busy response to Cloudiway
- Cloudiway sends the details to Google
- Google updates the Free/Busy display
You can also use coexistence during mailbox migrations. End users can continue working without interruption.
When a mailbox is migrated, address books are synchronized, the mails are rerouted with forwarders, and free/busy time is available at both the source of the migration and at the target.
Calendar Free/Busy Coexistence can be implemented between two or more remote systems. Currently, the following systems are supported:
- Office 365/Exchange Online;
- Google Workspace; and,
- Exchange On-Premises 2013 and later.
(1) Pull users & groups from source tenant. Contacts and guest users are not pulled out from the source, only users and groups.
(2) Pull contacts ( or Mail users or Guest users ) from the target tenant.
(3) Push new users or groups to target tenant as contacts ( or Mail users or Guest users ) and also push updates to previously created objects.
Note that source groups won’t be recreated as destination groups. Both source users and groups will be recreated at destination as contacts ( or Mail users or Guest users, except for source groups which won’t be recreated as guest users.).
Supported Systems
- Google Workspace
- Office 365
- Exchange on-premises ( 2007 and later )
Even if the new Cloudiway interface is user-friendly, FREE/BUSY & GALSYNC Coexistence toomls are usually a detailed setups that require a high level of competence and experience with mail systems and directories and cannot be sold without Cloudiway consulting services.