
by PT Astra Graphia Information Technology

IoT platform offers support for tracking & monitoring on fleet, asset, resource & surveillance

myveego is IoT service platform that offers everything you need to build an IoT product. As part of Astra Group product, myveego built by accommodating industry best practice yet offered with flexible business model. We have 4 services : 1. Fleet Help business manage their fleet with real-time visibility of location, and in-depth analytics of the data​. Feature Recommendation​ : - Fleet positioning​ - Fleet status​ 2. Asset Asset tracking system to help business manage their asset from the location of asset until make the report for the ERP.​ Feature recommendation​ : - Asset Positioning​ - Tagging asset from smartphone​ - History of asset handling​ - History of asset status​ 3. Surveillance Monitoring your surveillance device in everywhere and get insight for them.​ Feature Recommendation​ : - View widget each CCTV​ - Mapping CCTV in maps​ - People counting - Movement counting 4. Resource Logging and productivity management with mobile apps based​ Feature recommendation​ : - Positioning of resource​ - History of status​ - Grouping per project/area​ - Productivity each resource​

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