Tip Generator

by Rectangle Red Ltd

Provides useful hints and tips. Learn parts of Excel that you've never seen before as you go!

We offer tips for Microsoft Excel for users, often about parts of Excel that the user might not be aware of. A one-tip-a-day strategy introduces new functionality to users without overwhelming them, helping them to learn about aspects such as data import and connection, charts, and statistical functions which they may not otherwise be aware of. We hope that users may occasionally see something that is of particular interest to them and they want to find out more about, or remember that Excel can do a particular task later when when the need arises.

We expect this to be useful for basic to intermediate skilled Excel users who have not been fully trained in the advanced functionality available.

In small business, most Excel users use the tool to do there day-to-day job without being able to take the time out to learn whatever other functionality is available to them. Advanced training is not likely to be available to such users. This plugin helps them users expand their knowledge of Excel while they work, gradually introducing more knowledge and making them of aware of tways their day-to-day job can be made easier with these hints and tips.

At a glance