Usage Based Insurance (UBI)

by Scope Technology

A Usage Based Insurance (UBI) SaaS platform for real-time vehicle data.

A complete end-to-end Usage Based Insurance (UBI) solution. The Scope Technology SaaS platform collects, analyses, and provides insights from real-time vehicle data. Insurers use the platform and solutions to reduce business risk, improve safe driving habits, and transform insurance business operations.

Scope Technology provides the full UBI ecosystem solution.
- The first part is in-vehicle real-time data collection around driving behaviour and vehicle information.
- The second step is to structure the data on our cloud platform using Big Data technology.
- The third step is the Scope Machine Learning and AI to process the data using our sophisticated models to extra insight from large sets of data.
- The fourth step is the Scope SaaS platforms where clients consume the insights, review reports, segment data, and get a better understanding of the patterns and driver behaviours.

Customers of our UBI solutions are from the automotive, financial, and insurance industries worldwide.

The ScopeTechnology value proposition comes from our multiple vertical solutionportfolio along with our 20 years of experience as a solution provider forthese industries. Our market offering has many strengths, including:
- A global strategy that transforms to locally adaptedimplementations
- A holistic solution, that provides an end-to-end solution set
- A fast time to market
- Enterprise grade

Scope Technology is a manufacturer/developer of UBI hardware, software, mobile applications, and services. Scope’s data collection hardware fits every possible vehicle scenario: hardwired, plug-n-play OBD, wireless stick-n-go battery powered Smart Bluetooth beacon, or the customer can bring their own device (BYOD), our cloud platform is device agnostic. Scope offers a mobile app solution as well, that only requires a mobile phone, Android or iOS, with internet access.

Scope Technology provides UBI customers SaaS based platforms to consume, analyse, manage and monitor data.

Scope Technology is continuously developing new ground breaking and disruptive technologies. Please contact us for the latest updates to our technology, service, and ecosystem offering.

At a glance