Sparrow Modern Workplace

by Sparrow

Award winning communication and engagement platform your employees will love to use.

Award-winning Sparrow focuses on communications and engagement for your entire communication ecosystem: from employees at head office, to field workers, to 3rd parties you want to keep close and connected.

Sparrow consists of three key components:

  • A Modern Intranet: Simple implementation and rich functionality (from communications to our marketplace) that connect and engage your organization without a hefty price tag.
  • A first-class Mobile App: From desk to field, engage with your entire team wherever they may be. Able to be used separately or in tandem with the Intranet, extending your reach to users not in your Active Director (support for 3rd party logins: Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, etc.).
  • A Rich and Patented Analytics Portal: Measure engagement and communication performance and make strategic decisions based on real-time data.

Sparrow is typically deployed in less than one month through our customer focused methodology to drive value and adoption.

At a glance