

Unlock Email Efficiency - Summaries and Intelligent Responses AI powered

Manage your inbox easily and stay focus on important tasks. 🧠

🔑 Key Features:

Effortless Email Summaries in English , French , Spanish and more. :

Condensed summary in 3 concise bullet points and brief paragraph :

Intelligent and fast One-click Response Suggestions based on mail context:

Transform your draft into polished, professional replies.

Why Summarizr plugin and not ChatGPT website?

SummarizR uses ChatGPT 4 under unlike public free ChatGPT. 🚀

SummarizR is connected to the Microsoft Azure OpenAI API, ensuring that your data remains secure and private. 🔒

SummariR works inside Outlook ( Web and desktop ) : Stay Focus 🤹

You don’t need to write prompts , SummarizR will do it for you. 🤖

Generate automatically a To do tasks list. 📜

20 free credits are available to test SummarizR then it requires premium paid plan.

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can send data over the Internet
  • This app can read or modify the contents of any item in your mailbox, and create new items. It can access personal information -- such as the body, subject, sender, recipients, or attachments -- in any message or calendar item. It may send this data to a third-party service.

At a glance