iDynamics Incident Management

por iDynamics Business Solutions

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Manage any vendor or customer related incident that happens during your daily operations.

Most companies face a multitude of small incidents that can occur in their day-to-day operations with customers and vendors, and managing them quickly and efficiently can become a fundamental aspect of their business.

iDynamics Incident Management allows you to handle this kind of incidents within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, directly reporting them from the purchase, sales or warehouse document that is being handled when the incident is detected, providing you with the tools to follow it and solve it in a timely manner.

Categorise and classify incidents in order to get reports that will help you improve your operations and ensure that the same incidents do not happen repeatedly.

Configure incident management workflows that can be assigned to incidents according to their categories, automating the assignment of the tasks that must be performed to handle it, and making sure that no incident is left unsolved.

Features and benefits of using this app

  • Optimise your purchase and sales processes.
  • Increase customer satisfaction.
  • Increase employee productivity when managing any customer or vendor related incidents.
  • Configure processes that help you handle warehouse related incidents.

Supported editions:

This app supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported countries:

All Countries

Supported languages:

This app is available in English, Spanish and Dutch.

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