Teams Readiness Track: 10d Assessment (MW)


Proximus Teams Readiness Track | a Consultancy package to get ready for a successful migration to Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is top of mind for many organizations accelerating their digital transformation.

But how do you make the transition from your existing infrastructure to Teams ? We often see customers who are asking themselves the following questions about the following topics:

  • What about PSTN access, can it remain (SIP, ISDN, ...)?
  • Which PABX functionalities are available (groups, analogue lines, etc.)?
  • What about User Adoption and change management? How do I get the most out of Teams for them?
  • Can Teams exist alongside Skype for Business? Do I keep some users on Skype?
  • Can I integrate Teams with third-party applications (e.g. Contact Centers ...)?
  • What about the governance around Microsoft Teams? What rules do I set for my users?
  • Which licenses do I ideally need for my rollout of Teams?

In addition to its Direct Routing solution, Proximus offers this complete consultancy package, where we advise you on your migration to Teams, offer answers to the questions above and more.

By preparing your migration thoroughly, you can rest assured and get the most out of your Teams roll-out.

This consultancy track is delivered by Proximus Senior Consultants, who have expertise in Cloud, IT Services, Security, Connectivity, Mobility and Applications. The work is quoted based on the number of delivered workdays. A customized report is delivered to the customer at the end of the track, alongside a handover presentation.

The standard Teams Readiness Track includes 3 modules:

  • Module Network Assessment
  • Module Governance Assessment
  • Module AS IS and TO BEAssessment
This consultancy track provides 3 deliverables:
  • An evaluation report
  • A list of recommendations
  • An executive presentation

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