Multi Customer Jobs
por Bluace BV
Create job planning lines for different customers within one project
If your organization works on research and development projects, you may receive a grant from one or more organizations for specific projects. To receive this subsidy, it is logical that you would like to create a sales invoice for this. With the Multi Customer Jobs application from Bluace, you make sales invoices for different organizations within the relevant R&D project.
About the Multi Customer Jobs app
Multi Customer Jobs is an application developed by Bluace. If your organization works on research and development projects, it is undoubtedly a regular occurrence that you receive a subsidy for the project from one or more subsidy providers. You most likely want to create a sales invoice to receive this grant and send this sales invoice to the grant provider. This functionality is not included by default. With the Multi Customer Jobs app, you can add this functionality and create sales invoices for different subsidy providers within the same R&D project. Within the project, you still generate job tasks as you are used to. However, thanks to the Multi Customer Jobs app, you now have an extra field within each job line. In this field, you then select which subsidy provider this should be settled.
Functionalities of the Multi Customer Jobs application
- Create sales invoices within the research and development project
- Ability to send sales invoices to different organizations in one project
Benefits of the Multi Customer Jobs application
- Easily receive subsidies and process them within the project
- Create multiple sales invoices for different grant providers in one project
- Work with the familiar project environment and task rules, including the new “Bill to Customer” function