
por surviveF5 GmbH

Build a culture of appreciation and strengthen company values with kudos and feedback

Recognize team member contributions and achievements with kudos.

Kudozza enhances the process of publicly expressing gratitude and congratulations to colleagues through kudos messages. Kudos are given alongside your daily work with very little effort.

Unfortunately, giving positive feedback is not natural for many individuals. But like any habit, it can be developed and strengthened over time. Kudozza is an excellent tool for cultivating this habit-forming behavior, encouraging and accelerating the growth of a culture of appreciation and recognition within your team.

Key Benefits

  • Fosters a “culture of appreciation”
  • Shares celebrations instantly across your organisation
  • Boosts team engagement through onboarding, challenges, and leader boards
  • Brings your company’s values to life with tags
  • Encourages collaboration and helpfulness among team members.
  • Increases the visibility of achievements

Key Features

  • Fully integrated in Microsoft Teams – No extra login. No switching to external websites.
  • Reactions – Extends existing message emoji reactions with some company branding and uniqueness
  • Digest – Find all your kudos in one place
  • Badges – Users can collect badges as they engage with the system
  • Tags – Reinforce company values with kudos by combining both through tags
  • Challenges – Special timed events with badges for long term motivation
  • Leader board – Optional leader board to supply gamification and encourage engagement while still fulfilling privacy requirements
  • Statistics – For insights into your organisation or teams' kudos usage
  • Fully GDPR, CCPA and PCI compliant

Top 3 reasons why teams add Kudozza!

  • Share recognition every day. No matter if in the office or remote
  • Build a culture of recognition and appreciation
  • Connect company values with behaviours

About us
We consult clients on the culture and processes of their development teams.
Out of this work, Kudozza arised as we wanted to give the kudos concept our own spin to unfold its full potential in supporting the team’s culture.
Kudozza is used worldwide in over a 1000 large and small companies.

Do you want to join as well?

Are you read to improve your culture? Choose the white “Get it now” button below the Teams logo in the box above.
This will lead to the Microsoft Teams Appstore to install Kudozza into your Teams instance. Please also read through the installation guidelines.

If you have already installed Kudozza and want to upgrade to a paid plan, use the uppermost blue “Get it now” button and choose your desired plan.

Kudozza only requires ONE subscription for your entire organization. If an active subscription exists, additional purchases will not be completed (to protect you from paying double).
You can check in Kudozzas Admin->Plan section if someone in your company has already bought a subscription.

Still have questions? Head over to the Details+Support tab and contact us.

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