
por Illumified Inc.

(10 clasificaciones)

Embed trackable screen, webcam and mobile videos directly into Outlook emails.

Streamline your communication by embedding trackable screen, webcam and mobile videos directly into Outlook emails with the Dubb Outlook Add-In.

Dubb is a video communication suite that includes a Outlook Add-In, Chrome Extension, mobile app and website where you can manage a portfolio of personalized videos to share with your network. Dubb also features a robust reporting system that tracks user engagement activity such as email opens and page/video views both in the Dubb platform and optionally a CRM.

Here are some of the benefits of using Dubb:

- Increase engagement rates of your emails by over 100%

- Decrease the amount of time it takes to write emails by using video instead

- Make sales pitches, tutorials, explanations, demos, lesson plans and more easy-to-understand with screen recordings

- Get new business contacts to get to know and trust you by seeing personalized videos recorded on your phone or webcam

There are limit uses cases for the Dubb Outlook Add-In. Here are some of the different types of professions that use Dubb:

- Sales & Marketing

- Support

- Real Estate

- Education

- Technology

- Design

- Finance & Business

- Government & Non-Profit

- Health

- Legal

- Training

- Science

To get started, install the Dubb Outlook Add-In and create an account on the Dubb website.

Dubb - Video Yourself.™

Please note: This Outlook Add-In works in conjunction with and connects to the secure Dubb video communication platform which includes a website, Chrome Extension and mobile app. With this Outlook Add-In, users can embed a mobile or screen video directly into the body of an Outlook email. These videos are created using the Dubb Chrome Extension, mobile app or website.

Funcionalidades de la aplicación

Cuando se usa esta aplicación,
  • Puede enviar datos por Internet
  • Esta aplicación puede leer o modificar el contenido de cualquier elemento del buzón y crear elementos nuevos. También puede obtener acceso a información personal (como cuerpo del mensaje, asunto, remitente, destinatarios o datos adjuntos) de cualquier mensaje o elemento de calendario. Puede que el complemento envíe estos datos a servicios de terceros.

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