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Sistema de Gestión Documental

DocuKlaud is an advanced document management system designed to empower organizations in streamlining their document classification, review, and approval processes through flexible and efficient workflows. With a robust set of features, DocuKlaud offers a comprehensive document management experience, including:

  1. Custom Workflow Management: DocuKlaud provides the ability to design tailor-made approval workflows. You can define specific stages and determine whether approval is required from all participants in each stage or only from the first to approve or reject.

  2. Advanced Version Control: Customize your own version nomenclatures, enabling you to keep a clear and organized track of your document iterations.

  3. Detailed Document History: Access a complete history detailing past workflows and the actors involved in each stage of a document's review, providing a transparent view of the entire process.

  4. Expiration Management: Gain a panoramic view of documents that are approaching their expiration or have already expired, aiding you in maintaining effective control and taking timely actions.

  5. Transmittals: DocuKlaud facilitates formal tracking of document transmissions to your stakeholders, ensuring smooth and well-documented communication.

  6. Flexible Permission System: Implement a highly adaptable permission system, allowing you to establish specific authorizations for your main folders and maintain rigorous control over access to information.

  7. DocuKlaudGPT (Preview): This feature uses artificial intelligence to allow users to ask questions and get answers about the content of a document. The supported document types for this feature are: docx, searchable pdf, csv, and txt.

In summary, DocuKlaud is a comprehensive solution that drives operational efficiency by providing cutting-edge tools for document administration in business environments. With its advanced features and focus on customization, DocuKlaud becomes a valuable ally for any organization seeking to significantly enhance their document management.

Installation and Configuration Help

We provide FREE help for installation and configuration if you need it. Please reach out to to request a session.

Check our documentation

Click here to open.


DocuKlaud can be installed as a SharePoint Full Page or Teams Tab

Where are the documents and data hosted?

All the information is hosted in lists and libraries on your organization's SharePoint site, including the questions and answers posed to DocuKlaudGPT.

Free 30-day subscription

When you install DocuKlaud, a free 30-day subscription is activated. If you're interested in extending your subscription through a commercial version, you can contact us at

Language Support (Localization)

We currently offer support for the following languages:

  • English
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish

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