Greenhouse Gas Applicability and Materiality Assessment with Microsoft Sustainability Manager

RSM Product Sales LLC

We will identify your Scope 1, 2, and 3 categories and set up a trial of Microsoft Sustainability Manager for your reporting needs

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting requirements have been a growing concern for some time, always off in the future—but that moment has finally arrived. Many companies will soon need to start reporting their greenhouse gas emissions within the next year among other climate/ESG metrics.

We are here to help you navigate these regulations with our Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Applicability and Materiality Assessment along with a Microsoft Sustainability Manager Proof of Value which will provide:

  • A GHG applicability and materiality assessment to quickly identify the Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 categories that apply to your company and specific guidance on what you need to measure/estimate applicable and material categories.
  • Pre-loaded industry based GHG applicability and materiality assessments that provide a customizable starting point you can adjust to fit your unique context.
  • A trial instance of Microsoft Sustainability Manager, configured with a representative sample of your company’s data.

Our proof of value will help you cut to the chase and decrease compliance costs associated with climate-related disclosures and improve organizational efficiency.

Our experienced ESG Advisory and Technology team will work with you on a 4-week assessment designed to help you prepare for upcoming regulations. We have developed an industry specific methodology that will provide a comprehensive report outlining the next steps your company should take to prepare.

We will demonstrate how the Microsoft Sustainability Manager, built on the Dynamics 365 platform, can capture business activity data and calculate emissions. We will also collect and review the agreed upon Scope 1 and 2 data for import, calculation, and reporting directly within the tool. You will have a 30-day trial of the Microsoft Sustainability Manager to evaluate its capabilities.

A typical engagement would include the following elements, customized to fit the specific needs of your company:

Assessment Activities:

Kickoff Meeting

  • Introduction to our industry specific Greenhouse Gas Applicability and Materiality Assessment questionnaire
    • Provide targeted examples for Scope 3 categories
  • Discuss and identify Scope 1 or 2 sources for input into the Microsoft Sustainability Manager trial


  • Questionnaire reviews
  • Data template reviews

Key Deliverables

  • Presentation of findings
  • Presentation of RSM’s Materiality report
  • Recommendation of next steps
  • Demonstration of your data inside Microsoft Sustainability Manager

Your company will have a full understanding of what your next steps should be to prepare for regulations.

Experience the confidence that comes with knowing you are using the right technology mix for your business. Our technology advisors offer strategy, development, management and implementation services for the full suite of Microsoft business solutions.

With more than 950 consultants and more than 2,000 clients across the United States, we bring a dedicated, client-centric focus to every engagement.

*Pricing and duration will vary based on implementation scope
