Teams UC Calling & Meetings: 10wk Assessment

Unify Square

Take your Teams transformation to the next level: Discovery, Planning, Migration, & Remediation services. Our certified experts cover: meetings, calling, collaboration, governance, security, adoption

Deployment of Teams introduces new complexities in traditional Unified Communications (UC) architecture with the addition of not just Voice, but Collaboration tools as well. As certified experts, our consultants help enterprises with the most difficult Teams deployments.

Some of our capabilities include: -Planning/Executing/Driving: Large & Complex Teams deployments (Conferencing/Collab/Voice) -Consumption Planning: Identify licensing needs across Teams Voice, Direct Routing, and Conferencing -Reporting Needs: Full array of metrics on: Calling, Usage & Adoption, -Ticketing, Problem Trend Identification, Individual User or Groups, & Geographical, etc. -Ticketing Support: Through use of our large PowerSuite Cloud Managed Services team for Tier 2 & Tier 3 issues -User Adoption & Change Management: Planning, Training, Organizational Communication, Enablement -Collaboration Security & Governance: Risk discovery to identify key Teams governance concerns, as well as full Policy Management & Enforcement -Technical Design Architecture: Our TDA’s will design/advise based on Microsoft best practices

Unify Square's expertise in this space allows a blend of services into a single or multi-platform solution, for as much help as is needed by the customer surrounding Skype or Teams services and workstreams.

Agenda: (NOTE: All Agendas are tailored to customer need) Week 1-2: Discovery - Understand business workflows, existing challenges to Teams migration, interview key stakeholders Week 3-6: Planning- Work closely with IT team and stakeholders on a comprehensive plan for migration, covering UC architecture, driving usage and adoption, governance and security frameworks, Teams transformation tiers and site prioritization Week 7-10: Pilot- Execute transformation plan for a specifically chosen subset of users; revise full plan based on discovery of any unique issues related to network architecture, governance, and stakeholder needs
