Prodware Item Versioning accelerator

avaldaja Prodware Group

Helps manufacturers better control and manage product and component changes

Item Versioning for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management

Put controls and best practice in place when managing changes in your product range.

Manufacturers who have multiple levels of BOMs and product variants, find it challenging to maintain best practice in version control.

When modifying a component’s version number, the impacts must be managed on the upper levels too. This can be prone to error, heavy admin or just not happen at all.

Item Versioning boosts standard Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management functionality by:

  • Centralizes escalation requests for item changes
  • Provides a framework and process for version changes of released products
  • Stores tasks and allow notifications of changes throughout the organization

Next steps

If you would like to boost your Microsoft Dynamics 365 apps in this way; please review the materials on this page and contact Prodware to find out more.
