Trade Agreement accelerator

avaldaja Prodware Group

Boost productivity and flexibility when setting up commercial terms with customers and suppliers

Trade Agreement accelerator for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management

If your manufacturing or distribution business deals with a large and complex volume of customers, suppliers and products – this results in a high amount of trade agreements to be set up and managed accurately – which impacts on productivity.

When those trade agreements are complex that affect multiple organizations or products, you need to carry out sales analysis and scenario planning to understand the impact of commercial conditions on the bottom line and supply chain.

Plus in an agile and competitive environment, when you need to quickly set promotions, free items etc. that depend on specific products, groups or customers, with limited time periods – this all needs to be done smoothly and efficiently.

The Trade Agreement accelerator helps with these challenges, removing the administrative block so your business is able to compete profitably and provide excellent experiences to your customers and suppliers.

Features and benefits of using this app

  • Data management of Trade Agreements, such as speedier set up of lines, automated closure of expired agreements, search to view price calculations impact on customers and vendors plus promotion management
  • Pricing engine improvements, such as pricing set for product groups, working with Customer Hierarchy to inherit agreements, fixed time exceptions, free items management, purchase price group on the line, price group for external item description, price at zero authorization and Call Center Trade agreements rounding
  • Sales analysis agility, including margin on sales quotes, pricing history and an easy to use Power BI dashboard

Next steps

If you would like to boost your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management apps in this way, please review the materials on this page and contact Prodware to find out more.
