AXIO for Distribution for Dynamics 365 Finance

avaldaja Velosio

Intelligent Automation of Dynamics 365 Finance Implementation for Distribution

AXIO for Distribution is an advanced framework for D365 Finance that builds on the enhancements in AXIO core--with new ways to import data & integrate core financials with the tools you use to manage production, logistics, & inventory.

Here’s what’s inside:

Rapid deployment.

Start with a working system pre-configured with enhanced features, allowing you to focus on generating real-value from day one.

Streamline onboarding & training.

Multimedia support & integrated “Learning Paths” drive adoption & simplify ongoing training.

Preserve value.

Clients get 2x yearly updates plus regression testing to prepare the system & reduce risk.

AXIO Enhanced Features

Advanced Pricing

Set up and maintain custom pricing for inventory on top of standard pricing.


Securely connect to banking systems for ACH, positive pay, & auto reconciliation.

Sales Order & Purchasing Barcode

Manage inventory via mobile app or RF scanner, print POs & sales orders with scannable barcodes.

Sales & Purchasing Reports

Share reports in one click & automatically send reports to contacts.

Landed Cost Enhancement

Define landed cost destination/rates & automatically create freight entries when you add destinations to POs.

Customer Invoice & Related Documents

Automatically email customer invoices when sales orders post.

Email Enhancement

Personalize email sequences & sender accounts.

Customer Invoice Email App

Manage the end-to-end invoicing process from D365.

AXIO Integration Engine

Odata connectors integrate & secure 3rd-party transaction data.
