
avaldaja Documate, Inc.

(15 hinnangut)

Document automation software to cut 90% of drafting time

Who are we?

Gavel was created by lawyers & engineers who built dream document assembly apps for legal aid organizations and self help. We realized that non-engineers needed an easier, quicker way to do the same. So we built Gavel.

What can I do with Gavel?

Build custom document automation workflows with complex logic through three easy steps:

  1. Interview Tab: Add questions and label questions with variable names. The variable name identifies the question with a unique name, so you can use it to route data into your document.
  2. Output Documents Tab: Upload all the documents you want to populate. (Documents can be .pdf or .docx.)
  3. Run Your Interview Workflow!

Gavel can be used for internal or external use:

    Use and circulate your interview workflows internally for efficient document generation.

    Send your workflows to clients as an "intake" process, and have completed documents sent to your inbox.

    Publish your workflows on your website for free or for a fee.

Our users find up to 90% reduction in time it takes to draft complex documents and document sets.

The Gavel add-in allows users to see their interviews directly in Microsoft Word, and insert variables directly into their documents before uploading to the Gavel server. Use the add-in to set up your documents without using any code before you load them into Gavel.

Don't have a Gavel account? Get a free trial at

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