
avaldaja ci solution GmbH

Professional email signatures for Outlook on all devices (including Macs & mobiles).

CI-Signature offers professional, centrally managed email signatures for Outlook on all devices, including Macs and mobiles.

When composing emails and calendar invites the add-in automatically inserts the signature into the new email. Additionally, it offers a preview for server-side attached signatures and disclaimers. Depending on the chosen options, the respective features are available to the users.


  • Efficiently and permanently eliminate disorganization in employees' email signatures
  • Professional, uniform, and CI-compliant email signatures throughout the company
  • Time and cost savings through central management and control
  • Plan and automate actions (e.g., trade fair dates, product promotions) weeks in advance
  • First-class support: accessible, competent, helpful, and quick.
  • You will need our CI-Cloud services for this: CI-Sign and/or CI-Disclaimer

    Prices and overview:

    Rakenduse võimalused

    Kui seda rakendust kasutatakse, see
    • Saata andmeid Interneti kaudu
    • See rakendus pääseb juurde ja saab muuta aktiivses sõnumis olevaid isikuandmeid, nagu sisu, teema, saatja, adressaadid ja manuste teave. See võib neid andmeid saata kolmanda osapoole teenusele. Lisandmoodul ei saa lugeda ega muuta teisi postkastis olevaid üksuseid.
    See lisandmoodul saab käivitada ennast, kui:
    • Kasutaja koostab uue meili.
    • Kasutaja loob uue sündmuse.
