Simply CRM
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Seamlessly integrate Simply CRM with your Microsoft Outlook
Simply Outlook Add-in - a powerful add-in designed to seamlessly integrate Simply CRM with your Microsoft Outlook inbox. Boost your productivity and enhance your customer relationships by syncing contacts, emails, calendar events, and tasks between Outlook and Simply CRM. With easy installation and an intuitive interface, the Simply Outlook Add-in streamlines your workflow and simplifies CRM management directly within your Outlook environment. Enhance your CRM experience and make the most of your time with the Simply Outlook Add-on.
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- Saata andmeid Interneti kaudu
- See rakendus saab lugeda või muuta teie postkastis olevate üksuste sisu ja luua uusi üksuseid. See pääseb juurde kõigis sõnumites või kalendriüksustes olevatele isikuandmetele, nagu sisu, teema, saatja, adressaadid või manused. See võib neid andmeid saata kolmanda osapoole teenusele.