KMD Spend Analysis
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In KMD Spend Analysis a customer can get a detailed overview of the total procurement spend
KMD Spend Analysis gives the customer insight into the procurement spend of an organization - through AI based categorization the KMD Spend Analysis solution can not only answer the questions; who are we buying from and who in the organizations are buying, but also what are we buying. Together these dimensions give a customer a whole new level of insight into their spend, as well as new possibilities to identify and realize potential savings.
The needs and pains that KMD Spend Analysis addresses, as well as the reward, are described further below. The solution is relevant for all organizations who would like to gain a better insight of their procurement spend.
Lacking knowledge of
- What and from who is purchased, and who in the organization is doing it
- Are we contract covered on all our buying, and are the contracts competitive
- Are the organization purchasing “smart”, efficient and within policy
- What the potential savings
Capture insights
- Machine Learning categorization of every purchased item and service
- Structuring of invoice data and contract data so analysis can be m
- Reports that provides insights to support strategic and operational work throughout the procurement value chain
Increased potential
- Make better agreements by having better insight into the organization's procurement behavior
- Identify new potentials throughout the procurement value chain
- Increase the possibility of realizing potentials by doing precise effect and compliance measurements
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