Neogrid DRP

avaldaja Neogrid

Neogrid DRP is a software solution that helps businesses optimize their supply and distribution plan

Neogrid DRP is a software solution that helps businesses optimize their supply and distribution planning.

By leveraging AI and statistical algorithms, our product provides intelligent demand forecasting, optimizes inventory levels, prevents stockouts and overstocks, and aligns all the processes with real consumption. With Neogrid DRP, you can make your business more efficient and automated, enabling faster response to market changes, ensuring product availability, and ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction.

With Neogrid DRP, your company will have:

More Efficient Inventory Management

DRP enables balanced inventory management with ideal forecasts for each location based on consumer demand and future sales projections – increasing profitability, service level, and customer satisfaction.

More Predictability and Accuracy

Artificial intelligence automatically analyzes variables and chooses statistical models that are more adherent to demand.

Flexibility to Include Internal and External Events

You can include internal and external events that may impact demand, providing better predictability and accuracy in the supply and distribution process for your business, improving your operational efficiency.

Efficient Supply and Distribution Planning

Neogrid DRP can help you optimize inventory and elevate your cash flow through accurate supply recommendations. Our solution allows for customized configurations for SKUs, supply and distribution policies, allowing clients to meet the particularities of their business in a dynamic and practical way, optimizing operations.

With Neogrid DRP, you can achieve more efficient supply and distribution planning, optimize inventory levels increased profitability, and improved customer satisfaction.
Please reach out to us to explore our complete range of offerings and packages. We serve various segments and sectors with products for Supply Chain, Retail Execution, Commercial Intelligence, and integration.
