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De-risk your Risk Assessments with a collaborative platform that transforms the way you see risk

Still managing Risk Assessments using spreadsheets? Let RISKGRID raise your game

Many businesses are required to do regular risk assessments in functional areas such as compliance, operational risk, information security and internal audit. These risk assessments are qualitative and broad in nature, and are often conducted using a variety of templates and processes that are manual and fragmented. The use of spreadsheets for these tasks adds further challenges related to version control, distribution and audit trail.

Transform the way you see risk

RISKGRID is a cloud-based platform that enhances your risk assessment processes through visual risk assessment grids. Inherent risks, controls and residual risks are clearly represented and all changes have a full audit history. A flexible risk mapping engine takes your risk matrix and automatically calculates your residual risk ratings, allowing you to rapidly identify areas of highest risk across your business functions. Built-in analytics let you track and measure progress, and build actionable plans to drive down risks. RISKGRID upgrades your risk assessment process to have higher consistency, rigour, transparency and accountability.

Build Dynamic Risk Assessment Grids

  • As easy as using a spreadsheet, but with all the benefits of a modern, collaborative web application.
  • Easily construct and complete a risk assessment grid, fully customisable to your requirements.
  • Safely share your grids to collaborate with colleagues and clients.
  • All changes are fully time logged with commentary, so you're always fully fit for audit.

Dashboard Overview of Status and Progress

  • Track grid completion to check you have all bases covered.
  • Charts provide an overview of the current state of play, with single click drill-down to reveal underlying issues.
  • Trend lines illustrate progress and track improvements to your risk profile over time.
  • Filter the analysis by risk category or business group, or show an overview of the whole organisation.

Log Incidents and Track Remediation Plans

  • Log incidents which occur and link them back to impacted cells in your grid.
  • Create and track detailed remediation plans with multiple stages configured for your business.
  • Automatically update your grid with improved controls when a remediation plan is completed.
  • Fully audited to ensure you can track risk improvements back to a completed plan.

Fully Customisable

  • Determine the best axes and titles for your risk assessment grids.
  • Create your own custom risk mappings. Customise the labels and colour scheme how you prefer.
  • Incident Logging and Remediation Planning tuned to fit to your organisation, avoiding generic terminology.

Free Access to Get You Started

  • Free one month access to RISKGRID when you first sign-up.
  • Three subscription packages to suit all usage requirements.

Visit to learn more and get started with RISKGRID.
