Secure & Improve Windows 10 & 11 with NextGen Windows: 3 Day Workshop

Agile IT

Build on your investments in Microsoft 365 by reducing risks and increase delight with your organization to manage and secure Windows locally and in the cloud

Windows clients are a fundamental technology in virtually all organizations. This includes the burden of provisioning, update, managing, and secure those devices. Agile IT provides a collection of services based on Microsoft products and services to reduce the continued impact to customer IT departments and end-users.

Organizational Challenges

There are common IT challenges and legacy processes when managing Windows clients

  • Ensuring industry compliance
  • Keeping up with rapid technology advancement
  • Implementing automation in IT processes
  • Streamlining inefficient operational structures
  • Handling outdated systems and software
  • Countering escalating security threats
  • Developing effective IT management strategies


This workshop is interactive and indented to envision the art of the possible when managing Windows clients using modern cloud services. During the sessions, the following areas will be covered, along with documentation, and guidance on moving forward:

Overview of solutions that provide a secure desktop experience from virtually anywhere

  • Windows 365
  • Azure Virtual Desktop
  • Windows Autopatch

Within YOUR environment, we'll Provision, manage and secure Windows 365 Cloud PCs running on Windows 11 with Microsoft Intune in the customer environment focusing on cloud-only management for selected users.

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