Endpoint Management: 2 hours briefing


Atea Client Operations takes care of your IT infrastructure remotely by operating PC's, including the corresponding management platforms.

Our client management services include a full scope of end-to-end remote desktop management, starting from desktop deployment and user data management to software and hardware asset and client patch management. Some of the core services included in our offer are distribution system, image, driver and patch management, service delivery management, and can be topped up by additional services such as group policy, antimalware, vulnerability management, and others. The service is heavily influenced by the most dominant platforms used globally, such as Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager and Intune, but it does not necessarily mean we rely on them. The service is adaptable to other solutions as well.


The first 15 minutes are focused on introducing Atea Global Services, our experience, and our success in the Digital Workplace field. The following 15 minutes are given to the customer to tell a little about themselves, their environment, business needs, and three main struggle points in device management. Information provided here can be a significant contributor to what further meeting focus areas will cover.

Rest of the briefing is dedicated to Atea device management service “Client Operations” to explain its primary purpose. As well as the main problems it solves, its tier levels, their differences, main deliverables, and key tools and processes used to achieve a secure & managed device environment.

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