Tailor Microsoft Sustainability Manager to your organization

Knowit AB

With new legislative demands on emission data collection and reporting, Microsoft Sustainability Manager enables you to record, report, and reduce your environmental impact through data intelligence.

Microsoft Sustainability Manager will help you break down data silos and gain visibility into the emissions activities of your entire enterprise and value chain and reliably report your impact and progress. During the two-day workshop, we will introduce you to the benefits, possibilities, scopes, and future plans for Microsoft’s Sustainability Manager. You will also gain an understanding of how you can tailor the platform to your organization’s needs. We will also help you define your organization setup, operational possibilities, and data formatting and availability.

This workshop will provide you with an understanding of how your organization can utilize Microsoft Sustainability Manager and what actions need to be taken to get started with implementation.

At Knowit, we will help you define, implement and manage Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability across your organization.

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